The rabbit in the hat
Jag hittade en så söt virkad kanin på Stjernfalls blogg (klicka på länken för att komma dit).
Tänkte att jag skulle prova på att göra den =)
Det var en jätte bra beskrivning och den gick fort att göra. Det tog en dag att virka alla delar sen på nån timme hade jag satt ihop alla delar. Det är jätte skönt att sitta och virka och filosofera samtidigt =)
Orginalkaninen hade ingen svans så den gjorde jag själv och satte dit. Och jag hade inte nog med vitt garn heller så kaninen fick bli grå och vit.
Sen tyckte jag att den skulle få en rosett runt halsen. Bandet är det band som jag hade på min sons dop så då blir ju kaninen extra speciell också. ska se vad sonen tycker om kaninen =)
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In English:
I found a really cute crochet bunny on Stjernfalls blog (click on the link to get there).
Thought I would try to do it =)
It was a really good description and it was fast to make. It took a day to crochet all parts then at some hour I had put together all the parts. It's really nice to sit and crochet and philosophize at the same time =)
The original bunny had no tail so I did one, and put it there. And I did not have enough white yarn either so the bunny became gray and white.
Then I thought it would get a bow around the neck. The band is the band that I had on my son's christening so that of course made the rabbit extra special too. I wonder if my son likes the bunny =)
I found a really cute crochet bunny on Stjernfalls blog (click on the link to get there).
Thought I would try to do it =)
It was a really good description and it was fast to make. It took a day to crochet all parts then at some hour I had put together all the parts. It's really nice to sit and crochet and philosophize at the same time =)
The original bunny had no tail so I did one, and put it there. And I did not have enough white yarn either so the bunny became gray and white.
Then I thought it would get a bow around the neck. The band is the band that I had on my son's christening so that of course made the rabbit extra special too. I wonder if my son likes the bunny =)